About REWARDScoin

REWARDScoin is the newest and ultimate coin created with the purpose of maximizing the rewards for its holders.

Based on Binance Smart Chain, REWARDScoin futures multiple rewards mechanisms that are activated by the REWARDScoin Wallets. An 8% fee is applied to every transaction, which rewards will be distributed to all the RewardsCoin holders, proportionally to the amount of RewardsCoin held in their wallet. All this, whilst the REWARDScoin Deployer will be performing buybacks and burns, to make REWARDScoin rarer and holding its value.


· REWARDScoin DEPLOYER: Daily Buy-back and burn.

· REWARDScoin POOL: staking the BNB rewards, which will be invested in DeFi partners/projects, paying out a weekly dividend, proportionally to all the holders that hold a minimum amount of 1,000 REWARDScoin in a unique wallet address.

· REWARDScoin VAULT: Daily BNB rewards, incentives and contests.

· REWARDScoin TEAM : Development, marketing and rewards.

All REWARDScoin wallets mentioned above are banned from selling REWARDScoin, de facto making them dead wallets.

Last updated